Websites to Spend Countless Hours On: Boot Boyz Biz
Boot Boyz Biz is a bootleg fashion label from Chicago, now based in New York. Subverting copyright laws, their designs, collaged from snippets taken from books or the depths of the internet, incorporate and quote a huge amount of eclectic sources — often in a single visual. They are usually accompanied by blog posts, exploring the people and subjects referenced in the visuals in depth.
Their website has therefore become an archive of cultural references of almost boundless breadth — philosophy, graphic design, visual art, music and clubbing culture, and mysticism are just the most common subjects in their research.
We’re interested in how an image’s meaning changes as it’s pushed through various contexts. Grinding disparate elements together always provides fascinating results and revealing truths.
Boot Boyz Biz, in a rare interview from 2016
Sometimes referred to as a duo, the collective remains largely anonymous — only some sites make a reference to New York-based graphic designer Kevin McCaughey as the founder. Their products are sought after and the drops usually sell out overnight. However, following them on Instagram and subscribing to their newsletter gives you pretty good chances to grab an item. Unfortunately, shipping to Europe is prohibitively expensive.
My favorite posts §
The entire archive is a treasure trove, but these are my favorites — some because of their design, some because of the stories in the posts. However, I implore you to scroll through the website and just pick some pages by instinct.

The website §
Boot Boyz Biz — a project-based research practice that aims to assemble an expanding archive of citations, organizing a wide range of material. It uses intertextual strategies and disinterment to produce translated–synthesized works that strive to open unique pathways. 👢-ing is a model for association, for reflecting on histories and ideas, for capturing essence to organize a collective memory that guides our future.
The series §
In my series “Websites to Spend Countless Hours On” I write about my favorite wholesome websites. I focus on those that are slow-growing, personal, opinionated, or fastidiously comprehensive. They are like the websites that first drew me into the web: Quaint personal spaces by real people.